2-way valve function |
Instruction |
3F |
Data Sheet |
3F |
2D image |
3F |
Installation instruction |
3F, DN100 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN125 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN150 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN65 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, DN80 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
3F, high res |
Image |
3HG, high res |
Image |
4F |
Data Sheet |
4F |
2D image |
4F, DN100 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
4F, DN125 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
4F, DN150 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
4F, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
4F, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
4F, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
4F, DN65 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
4F, DN80 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
4F, high res |
Image |
4HG c-c 125mm, high res |
Image |
4HG c-c 90mm, high res |
Image |
90 |
2D Image |
90 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
90, 2-point |
Data Sheet |
90, 2-point |
Installation instruction |
90, 3-point |
Data Sheet |
90, high res |
Image |
90, proportional |
Data sheet |
Adaptor kit 900, 16051300 |
Installation instruction |
ALB100 |
2D Image |
ALB100 |
Data sheet |
ALB100 |
Installation instruction |
ALB100, high res |
Image |
ALB144 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
ALF131 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
ALF131, high res |
Image |
ALF261, ALF361, ALF461 |
2D Image |
ALF261, ALF361, ALF461 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
ALFx61, high res |
Image |
ALFxx1 |
Data Sheet |
ALFxx1 (cs, da, fi, hu) |
Installation instruction |
ALFxx1 (de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, sv) |
Installation instruction |
ALFxx4 |
Data Sheet |
ALFxx4 (cs, da, fi, hu) |
Installation instruction |
ALFxx4 (de, en, es, fr, it, pl, ru, sv) |
Installation instruction |
ALG400 |
Data sheet |
ALG400 |
Installation instruction |
ALG434/ALG436 |
2D Image |
ALG434/ALG436, high res |
Image |
ALG438 |
2D Image |
ALG438, high res |
Image |
ARA600 |
2D Image |
ARA600 auxiliary switch, high res |
Image |
ARA600, 2-point |
Installation instruction |
ARA600, 2-point |
Data sheet |
ARA600, 3-point |
Installation instruction |
ARA600, 3-point |
Data Sheet |
ARA600, high res |
Image |
ARA600, proportional |
Data Sheet |
ARA600, Proportional. |
Installation instruction |
ARA6x1, ARA6x3, ARA6x5, ARA6x7, ARA6x9 with CCW scale position |
3D drawing (stp file) |
ARA6x1, ARA6x3, ARA6x5, ARA6x7, ARA6x9 with CW scale position |
3D drawing (stp file) |
ARA6x2, ARA6x4, ARA6x6, ARA6x8 with CCW scale position |
3D drawing (stp file) |
ARA6x2, ARA6x4, ARA6x6, ARA6x8 with CW scale position |
3D drawing (stp file) |
ARC300 |
2D Image |
ARC300 |
Data sheet |
ARC300, Damper assembly |
Installation instruction |
ARC300, Electric settings |
Installation instruction |
ARC300, high res |
Image |
ARC300, Valve assembly |
Installation instruction |
ARC36x |
3D drawing (stp file) |
ATA200 |
Installation instruction |
ATA200 |
2D Image |
ATA200 |
Data Sheet |
ATA200, high res |
Image |
Auxiliary switch |
Installation instruction |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, 3F |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, 90 2-point |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, ALB100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, ALFxx1 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, ARA600 2-point |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, ARC300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, ATA200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, CRA200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, DxA100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GBA200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GDA200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GDA300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GDF100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GFA200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GFA300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GFF100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GMA300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GMA400/GMA500 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GMB600 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GRA100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GRA300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GRC200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, GRF100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, HG |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, KCD300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, KTB100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, LTC300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, SFK110/SFK120 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, SFK130/SFK140 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, SKC100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, SKP100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, SKS100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, SLD130 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, UPTT500 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VCA100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VDA100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VFA200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VLA100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VLA300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VLB300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VLC100/VLC200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VLE100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VLG120 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VLG130 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VLG140 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VMA200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VMB400 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VMB500 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VMC300/VMC500 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VRB140 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VRH130 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VSB100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VST200 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTA310 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTA320LF |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTA520 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTC300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTC400 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTC500 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTD300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTD500 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTF300 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTG140 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VTR300/VTR500 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VVA100 |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, VZC/VZD |
Certificate |
Building Product Declaration BPD3, ZRS220 |
Certificate |
Certificate of conformity UA |
Certificate |
Certificate of conformity UA, 3F |
Certificate |
Certificate of conformity UA, 90 2-point |
Certificate |
Certificate of conformity UA, ATA200 |
Certificate |
Certificate of conformity UA, CRA120 |
Certificate |
Certificate of conformity UA, GMA300 |
Certificate |
Certificate of conformity UA, MBA120 |
Certificate |
Certificate of conformity UA, VLA100 |
Certificate |
Control box CUA911 |
2D Image |
CRA120 |
Installation instruction |
CRA120 |
2D Image |
CRA120 |
Data sheet |
CRA120 Controller |
3D drawing (stp file) |
CRA120, high res |
Image |
CRA200 |
Data sheet |
CRA200 - Assembly |
Installation instruction |
CRA210 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
CRA210 |
2D Image |
CRA210 - Settings |
Installation instruction |
CRA211, high res |
Image |
CRA215, high res |
Image |
CRA217, high res |
Image |
CRB200 |
Installation instruction |
CRB211, high res |
Image |
CRB217, high res |
Image |
CRB221, high res |
Image |
CRB227, high res |
Image |
CRB912, CRB913 Room unit |
3D drawing (stp file) |
CRB912/CRB913 Room unit |
2D Image |
CRB912/CRB913 Room unit, high res |
Image |
CRC120 |
Installation instruction |
CRC120 |
Data sheet |
CRC120 (de, en, fr, it, pl, ru, sv, tr) |
Installation instruction |
CRC121, high res |
Image |
CRC200 (cs, da, es, gr, hr, ro, tr) |
Installation instruction |
CRC200 (de, en, fi, fr, it, pl, ru, sv) |
Installation instruction |
CRC211, high res |
Image |
CRC217, CRD227 Controller (cs, da, el, es, fi, hr, ro) |
Installation instruction |
CRC217, CRD227 Controller (de, en, fr, hu, it, pl, ru, sv) |
Installation instruction |
CRC217, high res |
Image |
CRC911 Outdoor sensor |
3D drawing (stp file) |
CRC911 Outdoor sensor, high res |
Image |
CRD200 - Settings |
Installation instruction |
CRD221, high res |
Image |
CRD227, high res |
Image |
CRK210 |
Installation instruction |
CRK210 |
Data sheet |
CRK211, high res |
Image |
CRS210 |
Installation instruction |
CRS210 |
Data sheet |
CRS211, high res |
Image |
CTF150 |
Installation instruction |
CTF150 |
2D Image |
CTF150 |
Data Sheet |
CTF150, high res |
Image |
CTF200 |
Installation instruction |
CTF200 |
2D Image |
CTF200 |
Data Sheet |
CTF200, high res |
Image |
CUA100 |
Installation instruction |
CUA100 |
Data sheet |
CUA100, high res |
Image |
DAA100, DDA100 |
Installation instruction |
DAA100, DDA100 |
Data sheet |
DAA100, DDA100, Wilo Pump (de, en, fr) |
Installation instruction |
DAA111 |
2D Image |
DAA111, DDA111, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
DAA111, high res |
Image |
DDA111 |
2D Image |
DDA111, high res |
Image |
Declaration of Conformity, 3F |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, 90 2-point |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, 90 Proportional |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, ALB100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, ALFxx1 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, ALG400 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, ARA600 2-point |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, ARA600 Proportional |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, ARC300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, ATA200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, CRA120 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, CRA200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, CRB200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, CRC120 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, CTF150 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, CTF200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, CUA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, DAA100/DDA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, FSK100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GBA200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GDAx00 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GDF100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GFAx00 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GFF100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GMA300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GMAx00 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GMB600 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GRA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GRAx00 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GRC220 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GRC240 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GRF111 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GRF121 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, GST200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, HG |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, KCD300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, KTD100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, LTC300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, MBA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, SFK100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, SKC100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, SKP100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, SKS100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, SLD130 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, T |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, TFC100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, TIA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, TIB100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, TMA110 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, TSA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, UPTT520 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VDA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VFA200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VLA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VLB300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VLC100/VLC200 DN 15-40 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VLC100/VLC200 DN50 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VLE100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VLF100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VLG100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VMA200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VMB400 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VMB500 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VMC300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VMD300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VRB140 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VRB140+CRA210 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VRG130 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VRH130 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VSB100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VST200 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTA310 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTA370/VTA570 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTC300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTC400 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTC500 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTD300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTD500 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTE300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTE500 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTF320 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTG140 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTR300 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VTR500 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VVA100 |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, VZC, VZD |
Certificate |
Declaration of Conformity, ZRS220 |
Certificate |
Dimensioning of the buffer tank, max. PWH and flow resistance |
Dimensioning |
EAC certificate (RU) |
Certificate |
EAC certificate (RU), 3F |
Certificate |
EAC certificate (RU), 90 2-point 230V |
Certificate |
EAC certificate (RU), 90 3-point 12-24V |
Certificate |
EAC certificate (RU), ALFxx1 230V |
Certificate |
EAC certificate (RU), ATA200 |
Certificate |
EAC certificate (RU), GRA100 |
Certificate |
EAC certificate, CRA120 |
Certificate |
ErP Declaration, CRC120 |
Declaration |
FSK100 |
Installation instruction |
FSK100 |
Data sheet |
FSK100 |
2D Image |
FSK101 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
FSK101, high res |
Image |
GBA200 |
Installation instruction |
GBA200 |
Data sheet |
GBA211 |
2D Image |
GBA211, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GBA211, high res |
Image |
GDA200 (DN25/DN32), Grundfos Pump |
Installation instruction |
GDA200, DN32 Ball valves Design 2 |
Installation instruction |
GDA200, GDA300 |
Data sheet |
GDA211 |
2D Image |
GDA211, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GDA211, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GDA211, high res |
Image |
GDA212 |
2D Image |
GDA212, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GDA212, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GDA212, high res |
Image |
GDA310, DN20 |
Installation instruction |
GDA311 |
2D Image |
GDA311, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GDA311, high res |
Image |
GDA390, DN20 |
Installation instruction |
GDA394 |
2D Image |
GDA394, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GDA394, high res |
Image |
GDF100, DN25 Ball valves Design 1 |
Installation instruction |
GDF111 |
2D Image |
GDF111, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GDF111, high res |
Image |
GFA200, GFA300 |
Data sheet |
GFA211 |
2D Image |
GFA211, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GFA211, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GFA211, high res |
Image |
GFA212 |
2D Image |
GFA212, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GFA212, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GFA212, high res |
Image |
GFA311 |
2D Image |
GFA311, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GFA311, high res |
Image |
GFA394 |
2D Image |
GFA394, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GFA394, high res |
Image |
GFF111 |
2D Image |
GFF111, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GFF111, high res |
Image |
GMA300 |
Installation instruction |
GMA300 |
Data sheet |
GMA321 |
2D Image |
GMA321 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA321, high res |
Image |
GMA331 |
2D Image |
GMA331 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA331, high res |
Image |
GMA400, GMA500 |
Data sheet |
GMA411 |
2D Image |
GMA411 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA411, high res |
Image |
GMA421 |
2D Image |
GMA421 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA421, high res |
Image |
GMA431 |
2D Image |
GMA431 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA431, high res |
Image |
GMA441 |
2D Image |
GMA441 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA441, high res |
Image |
GMA451 |
2D Image |
GMA451 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA451, high res |
Image |
GMA521 |
2D Image |
GMA521 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA521, high res |
Image |
GMA531 |
2D Image |
GMA531 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMA531, high res |
Image |
GMB600 |
Installation instruction |
GMB600 |
Data sheet |
GMB631 |
2D Image |
GMB631 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GMB631 - open, high res |
Image |
GMB631, high res |
Image |
GRA100 |
Data sheet |
GRA100 (cs, ee, fi, ru) |
Installation instruction |
GRA100 (de, en, fr, it, pl, sv) |
Installation instruction |
GRA100, Grundfos Pump |
Installation instruction |
GRA100, Wilo Pump |
Installation instruction |
GRA112, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRA112, GRA132 |
2D Image |
GRA112, GRA132, high res |
Image |
GRA200, GRA300 |
Data sheet |
GRA211 & 231 |
2D Image |
GRA211 & GRA231, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRA211 & GRA231, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRA211 & GRA231, high res |
Image |
GRA212 & GRA232 |
2D Image |
GRA212 & GRA232, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRA212 & GRA232, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRA212 & GRA232, high res |
Image |
GRA311 |
2D Image |
GRA311, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRA311, high res |
Image |
GRA394 |
2D Image |
GRA394, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRA394, high res |
Image |
GRC200 |
Data sheet |
GRC200 (DN25/DN32), Grundfos Pump |
Installation instruction |
GRC221 & GRC241 |
2D Image |
GRC221, high res |
Image |
GRC222 & GRC242 |
2D Image |
GRC222, high res |
Image |
GRC241, high res |
Image |
GRC242, high res |
Image |
GRF111 |
2D Image |
GRF111, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRF111, high res |
Image |
GRF121 |
2D Image |
GRF121, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
GRF121, high res |
Image |
GST200 |
Data sheet |
GST200, DN25 Ball valves Design 1 |
Installation instruction |
GST241 |
2D Image |
GST241, high res |
Image |
HG |
Data Sheet |
HG |
2D image |
Immersion pocket |
2D Image |
KCD300 |
Data Sheet |
KCD300 |
2D Image |
KCD313 Brass, high res |
Image |
KIWA-21-DW-10120, VMB400 |
Certificate |
KIWA-21-DW-10122, UPTT520 |
Certificate |
KIWA-21-DW-10123, VCA100 |
Certificate |
KIWA-21-DW-10124, SLD130 |
Certificate |
KTB100 |
Data Sheet |
KTB112, high res |
Image |
KTD100 |
2D image |
KTD100 |
Data Sheet |
KTD112, high res |
Image |
KTD200, KTD300 |
Data Sheet |
KTD212, high res |
Image |
KTD312 Brass, high res |
Image |
LTC300 |
Installation instruction |
LTC300 |
2D Image |
LTC300 |
Data Sheet |
LTC300, high res |
Image |
LTC340, LTC360 DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
LTC380, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA120 |
Data Sheet |
MBA120/MBA130 |
Installation instruction |
MBA121 |
2D Image |
MBA121, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA121, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA121, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA121, internal thread, high res |
Image |
MBA122 |
2D Image |
MBA122 with adapters |
2D Image |
MBA122, DN20 (43101200) |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA122, DN20 with adapters (43100800) |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA122, external thread with adapters, high res |
Image |
MBA122, external thread, high res |
Image |
MBA124 |
2D Image |
MBA124, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA124, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA124, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA124, internal and external thread, high res |
Image |
MBA130 |
Data Sheet |
MBA132 |
2D Image |
MBA132 with adapter |
2D Image |
MBA132, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA132, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
MBA132, external thread with adapter, high res |
Image |
MBA132, external thread, high res |
Image |
MBA135 |
2D Image |
MBA135, internal, internal and external thread, high res |
Image |
PZH-certificate (PL), MBA120 |
Approval |
PZH-certificate (PL), VMB400/VMB500 |
Approval |
Selection guide, Heat pump and valve usage |
Guide |
Selection guide, Heat pump and valve usage |
Guide |
Selection guide, Rotary valves + Actuators |
Guide |
Selection guide, Rotary valves + Controllers |
Guide |
Selection guide, Rotary valves + Controllers |
Guide |
SFK100 |
Installation instruction |
SFK100 |
Data Sheet |
SFK120 |
2D Image |
SFK120, high res |
Image |
SFK121 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
SFK130, high res |
Image |
SFK130, SFK140 |
2D Image |
SFK131, SFK141 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
SFK140, high res |
Image |
SKC111 |
2D Image |
SKC111 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
SKC111, high res |
Image |
SKP100 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
SKP111 |
2D Image |
SKP111, high res |
Image |
SKS101 |
2D Image |
SKS101, high res |
Image |
SKS111 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
SKx100 |
Installation instruction |
SKx100 |
Data sheet |
SLD130 |
Installation instruction |
SLD130 |
Data Sheet |
SLD136, DN15 (43500100) |
3D drawing (stp file) |
SLD136, DN20 (43500200) |
3D drawing (stp file) |
SLD136, DN25 (43500300) |
3D drawing (stp file) |
SLD136, external thread, high res |
Image |
SLD136, Front view |
2D Image |
SLD136, Side view |
2D Image |
T |
Data Sheet |
T |
2D image |
T, high res |
Image |
TFC100 |
Data sheet |
TFC139 |
2D Image |
TFC139 (de) |
Installation instruction |
TFC139 (en, it) |
Installation instruction |
TFC139, high res |
Image |
TIA100 |
Installation instruction |
TIA100 |
2D Image |
TIA100 |
Data Sheet |
TIA100, high res |
Image |
TIB100 |
Installation instruction |
TIB100 |
2D Image |
TIB100 |
Data Sheet |
TIB100, high res |
Image |
TMA110 |
Data sheet |
TMA110 (de, en, es, fr, it, pt, ru) |
Installation instruction |
TMA115 |
2D Image |
TMA115, high res |
Image |
TMA116 |
2D Image |
TMA116, high res |
Image |
TSA100 |
Data Sheet |
TSA112, high res |
Image |
TSA112, TSA122 |
Installation instruction |
TSA112, TSA122 |
2D Image |
TSA121 |
Installation instruction |
TSA121 |
2D Image |
TSA121, high res |
Image |
TSA122, high res |
Image |
ÜA R-15.2.4-22-17605 (AT), SLD130 |
Certificate |
UPTT500 |
Installation instruction |
UPTT520 |
Data Sheet |
UPTT522 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
UPTT522 |
2D Image |
UPTT522, high res |
Image |
VCA100 |
2D Image |
VCA100 |
Data Sheet |
VCA100, high res |
Image |
VDA100 |
Data Sheet |
VDA100 |
2D Image |
VDA100, high res |
Image |
VFA200 |
Installation instruction |
VFA200 |
2D Image |
VFA200 |
Data Sheet |
VFA203, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VFA203, high res |
Image |
VLA100 |
Data Sheet |
VLA121 |
2D Image |
VLA121, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA121, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA121, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA121, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA121, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA121, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA121, high res |
Image |
VLA131 |
2D Image |
VLA131, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA131, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA131, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA131, high res |
Image |
VLA300, VLB300 |
Data Sheet |
VLA325 |
2D Image |
VLA325, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA325, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA325, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA325, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA325, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA325, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA325, high res |
Image |
VLA335 |
2D Image |
VLA335, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA335, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA335, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA335, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA335, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA335, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLA335, high res |
Image |
VLB325 |
2D Image |
VLB325, high res |
Image |
VLB325, VLB335 |
Installation instruction |
VLB335 |
2D Image |
VLB335, high res |
Image |
VLC100, VLC200 |
Data Sheet |
VLC125, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLC125, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLC125, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLC125, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLC125, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLC125, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLC125, high res |
Image |
VLC125, VLC225 |
2D Image |
VLC225, high res |
Image |
VLE100 |
Data sheet |
VLE122 |
2D Image |
VLE122, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE122, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE122, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE122, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE122, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE122, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE122, high res |
Image |
VLE132 |
2D Image |
VLE132, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE132, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE132, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE132, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE132, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE132, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VLE132, high res |
Image |
VLE300 |
Data Sheet |
VLE325 |
Installation instruction |
VLE325 |
2D Image |
VLE325, high res |
Image |
VLF100 |
Data Sheet |
VLF125 |
2D Image |
VLF125, high res |
Image |
VLF135 |
2D Image |
VLF135, high res |
Image |
VLG100 |
Installation instruction |
VLG100 |
Data Sheet |
VLG122 |
2D Image |
VLG122, high res |
Image |
VLG132 |
2D Image |
VLG132, high res |
Image |
VLG142 |
2D Image |
VLG142, high res |
Image |
VMA200 |
2D Image |
VMA200 |
Data Sheet |
VMA213, high res |
Image |
VMB400 |
2D Image |
VMB400, VMB500 |
Installation instruction |
VMB400, VMB500 |
Data Sheet |
VMB423 with safety valve, high res |
Image |
VMB423, high res |
Image |
VMB500 |
2D Image |
VMB523, high res |
Image |
VMC300 |
Data sheet |
VMC300, VMC500 |
Installation instruction |
VMC322 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VMC322 with adapers, high res |
Image |
VMC322, high res |
Image |
VMC322, VMC522 |
2D Image |
VMC322, VMC522 with adapters |
2D Image |
VMC322, with adapters |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VMD300 |
Installation instruction |
VMD300 |
2D Image |
VMD300 |
Data sheet |
VMD300, high res |
Image |
VRB140 |
Installation instruction |
VRB140 |
Data Sheet |
VRB140 |
2D image |
VRB141 + CRA211, high res |
Image |
VRB141, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB141, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB141, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB141, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB141, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB141, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB141, high res |
Image |
VRB142, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB142, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB142, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB142, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB142, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB142, high res |
Image |
VRB143, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB143, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRB143, high res |
Image |
VRB240 |
Installation instruction |
VRB240 |
Data sheet |
VRB240 |
2D image |
VRB243, high res |
Image |
VRG130 |
Installation instruction |
VRG130 |
Data sheet |
VRG130 |
2D Image |
VRG131 + ARA661, high res |
Image |
VRG131 + CRC211, high res |
Image |
VRG131, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG131, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG131, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG131, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG131, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG131, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG131, high res |
Image |
VRG132, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG132, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG132, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG132, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG132, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG132, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG132, high res |
Image |
VRG133, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG133, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG133, high res |
Image |
VRG138 |
2D Image |
VRG138, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG138_1, high res |
Image |
VRG138_2, high res |
Image |
VRG140 |
Installation instruction |
VRG140 |
Data sheet |
VRG140 |
2D image |
VRG141, DN15 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG141, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG141, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG141, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG141, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG141, DN50 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG141, high res |
Image |
VRG142, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG142, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG142, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRG142, high res |
Image |
VRG230 |
Installation instruction |
VRG230 |
Data sheet |
VRG230 |
2D image |
VRG231, high res |
Image |
VRG232 + ARA645, high res |
Image |
VRG232, high res |
Image |
VRG330 |
Installation instruction |
VRG330 |
Data sheet |
VRG330 |
2D image |
VRH130 |
Installation instruction |
VRH130 |
Data Sheet |
VRH139 |
2D Image |
VRH139, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRH139, high res |
Image |
VRI100 |
Data Sheet |
VRI100 |
2D image |
VRI100, high res |
Image |
VRI111, DN15-20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRI111, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRI111, DN32 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VRI111, DN40 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VSB100 |
Installation instruction |
VSB100 |
Data Sheet |
VSB132 |
2D Image |
VSB132, high res |
Image |
VST200 |
Installation instruction |
VST200 |
2D Image |
VST200 |
Data Sheet |
VST212, DN20 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VST212, high res |
Image |
VTA310 |
Installation instruction |
VTA310 |
2D Image |
VTA310 |
Data Sheet |
VTA312, high res |
Image |
VTA313, high res |
Image |
VTA320, VTA520 |
Data Sheet |
VTA321 Rp ½" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA321 Rp ¾" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA321, high res |
Image |
VTA322 G ¾" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA322 G 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA322, high res |
Image |
VTA323 CPF 22mm |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA323, high res |
Image |
VTA330 |
Data Sheet |
VTA330 |
2D Image |
VTA332 G ¾" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA332, high res |
Image |
VTA333 CPF 22mm |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA350, VTA550 |
Data Sheet |
VTA351, high res |
Image |
VTA352 CV G 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA352 G ¾" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA352 with check valves |
2D Image |
VTA352 with Check Valves, high res |
Image |
VTA352, high res |
Image |
VTA353, high res |
Image |
VTA360 |
Data Sheet |
VTA360 |
2D Image |
VTA362, high res |
Image |
VTA370, VTA570 |
Data Sheet |
VTA370/VTA570 |
Installation instruction |
VTA372 G 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA372, high res |
Image |
VTA377, high res |
Image |
VTA378 G 1" + RN 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA378, high res |
Image |
VTA520 |
Installation Instruction |
VTA522 G 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA522 G 1¼" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA522 R ¾" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA522 R 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA522 with adapters, high res |
Image |
VTA522, high res |
Image |
VTA522, VTA523 with adapters |
2D Image |
VTA523 CPF 22mm |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA523 with adapters, high res |
Image |
VTA552 G 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA552 R ¾" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA552 with adapters |
2D Image |
VTA552 with adapters, high res |
Image |
VTA552, high res |
Image |
VTA570 |
2D Image |
VTA572 G 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA572 G 1¼" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA572, high res |
Image |
VTA577 |
2D Image |
VTA577, high res |
Image |
VTA578 |
2D Image |
VTA578 G 1" + RN 1" |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTA578, high res |
Image |
VTC300 |
Installation instruction |
VTC300 |
Data Sheet |
VTC310 |
2D Image |
VTC311, high res |
Image |
VTC312, high res |
Image |
VTC317 |
2D Image |
VTC317, high res |
Image |
VTC318, high res |
Image |
VTC400 |
Data Sheet |
VTC412 |
2D Image |
VTC412, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTC412, high res |
Image |
VTC422 |
2D Image |
VTC422, DN25 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTC422, high res |
Image |
VTC500 |
Installation instruction |
VTC500 |
Data Sheet |
VTC510 |
2D Image |
VTC511, high res |
Image |
VTC512, high res |
Image |
VTD300 |
Installation instruction |
VTD300 |
2D Image |
VTD300 |
Data Sheet |
VTD322, high res |
Image |
VTD500 |
Installation instruction |
VTD500 |
2D Image |
VTD500 |
Data sheet |
VTD500 with adapters |
2D Image |
VTD582 with adapters, high res |
Image |
VTD582, high res |
Image |
VTE300, VTE500 |
Installation instruction |
VTE300, VTE500 |
Data Sheet |
VTE300, VTE500 |
2D Image |
VTE312 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTE312, high res |
Image |
VTE512 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTE512, high res |
Image |
VTF320 |
Installation instruction |
VTF320 |
2D Image |
VTF320 |
Data Sheet |
VTF322 |
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTF322, high res |
Image |
VTG140 |
Installation instruction |
VTG140 |
Data Sheet |
VTG141 |
2D Image |
VTG141, high res |
Image |
VTG141, Rp¾" + G1"
3D drawing (stp file) |
VTR300 |
2D Image |
VTR300, VTR500 |
Installation instruction |
VTR300, VTR500 |
Data sheet |
VTR322, high res |
Image |
VTR500 |
2D Image |
VTR522, high res |
Image |
VTR800 |
Installation instruction |
VTR800 |
Data sheet |
VTR801, high res |
Image |
VTS520, VTS550 |
Data Sheet |
VVA100 |
2D Image |
VVA100 |
Data Sheet |
VVA100, high res |
Image |
Data Sheet |
Installation instruction |
VZC151, without cable, high res |
Image |
VZC162 |
2D Image |
VZC162 without cable, high res |
Image |
VZC253, VZC263 |
2D Image |
VZC253, VZC263 without cable, high res |
Image |
VZD151, VZD161, high res |
Image |
VZD152, VZD162 |
2D Image |
VZD152, VZD162, high res |
Image |
VZD253, VZD263 |
2D Image |
VZD253, VZD263, high res |
Image |
WRAS certificate for VTA330 |
Approval |
ZRS220 |
Installation instruction |
ZRS220 |
Data Sheet |
ZRS224 |
2D Image |
ZRS224, high res |
Image |
ZRS230 |
Data Sheet |
ZRS234 |
2D Image |
ZRS234, high res |
Image |